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About us

Known as one of the best sporting organization in Indonesia since 2011, BSS Indonesia group has now launched a proven program to build the next basketball stars. BSS Basketball provides an exercise program focusing on individual skills for children age group 5-18 years old. BSS Basketball also prioritizes quality of coaching standards, training equipment that make training sessions more 'fun and challenging'. BSS Basketball will provide a flexible training program and can be applied to practice in indoor, outdoor or in each child's home.


BSS Basketball has launched in 3rd of May 2019, our first venue is in CGV FX Sudirman, Center of Jakarta. Our target is to provide more venue in Center Jakarta, South Jakarta, West Jakarta, East Jakarta and North Jakarta to facilitate for our member to have basketball session in their area. 

BSS Basketball understand that basketball is a team sport, not an individual sport, but team play will not be ideal without individual skills, physical improvement and tactical understanding to execute. BSS Basketball curriculum starts its focus on individual skills (ball handling skill, shooting skill, layup skill, passing skill, rebounding skill and defensive skill). The next progression of our program, we develop basketball team concepts including offensive team concept and defensive team concept in order to have a better basketball play as a team and achieve the goals.


One of the most demanded programs that our customers are eager to try, this basketball program focuses on basketball practice only for the ages between 2-5 years old. 

The objective is almost the same with the soccer program: 100% fun!


We deliver programs that will help improve children's motoric movements and physical abilities in a refreshing way. This program is the first step for children being introduced to the sport Basketball. Understanding what equipment used in the sport, how the basketball courts are shaped, what a basketball ring looks like and what to do with the basketball.

Are you ready to be the next basketball stars?


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